Commands List
Native Commands
These are the commands natively supported by Blaze:
- Clear Commands - Resets all learned commands.
- Continue [iterations] - Continues the last automation.
It accepts as a parameter the number of additional iterations to performed.
If no number is supplied, the same amount of iterations performed last time will be used.
- Exit - Exits Blaze.
- Rebuild Index - Re-indexes all files and applications.
- Record Macro - Initiates a macro recording.
After typing this command, a macro starts recording immediately.
To end the recording, you just have to call Blaze again, by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Space.
- Redo [iterations] - Repeats the last automation.
It accepts as a parameter the number of iterations to performed from the beginning.
If no number is supplied, the same amount of iterations performed last time will be used.
- Script Folder - Opens Blaze scripts' folder.
- Show Assistant - Display Blaze Assistant.
- Settings - Opens settings dialog.
- Show Assistant - Shows Blaze Assistant.
- <script name> - Runs an IronPython script.
You just neet to type the scripts name in order to run it.
Plugin Commands
Blaze can be extended by both Dynamic-link libraries or IronPython files.
The following list comprises the commands provided by the already existing Blaze plugins:
- Add New Command - Adds a new command.
- Add New Quick Text - Adds a new quick text.
- Add New Website - Adds a new website or search engine.
- cmd [cmd expression] - Runs cmd commands.
- Email ["contact1; contact2; ..."] ["subject"] ["body"] - Creates an email with your default email client.
If more than on contact is to be supplied, they must separated by a comma and delimited by quotation marks.
Both the subject and the body must always be delimited by quotation marks.
e.g.: email "hello" "How are you?"
e.g.: email "," "Dinner?" "Let's go dinner together?"
- Insert [text] - Inserts text into the top window.
If nothing is specified, the clipboard content will be inserted instead.
- Insert <quick text name> - Inserts a quick text into the top window.
If nothing is specified, the clipboard content will be inserted instead.
- Shout [text] - Displays a message box with the specified text. It's a good way to test context commands.
- tskill [process name] - Ends a proces.
Accepts as a parameter the process name to be terminated.
e.g.: tskill !topapp
- What is my IP - Returns your external IP address.
- <search engine> [search term] - Searches the web for the specified search term.
There are many search engines available and more can easily be added.
There is Google, Youtube, IMDB, Maps, and so on.
- <math expression> - Performs calculations.
e.g.: (3+3)^2
Supported operators:
+ = add
- = subtract
* = multiply
/ = devide
\ = remainder
% = percentage
^ = power of
- > [cmd expression] - Runs cmd commands in the currenlty selected directory.
This directory is specified by the top Windows Explorer window.
If no parameter is specified then this command only opens the command prompt.
Context Commands
Blaze also supports context commands. These commands are text tokens that can be embedded in other commands.
For instance, if you want to insert the page's url you are currenlty browsing on a IM chat window, withou even having
to switch windows, you just need to type "Insert !url" on Blaze.
The full list of context commands is depicted below:
- !clipboard - Symbolizes clipboard contents.
- !desktop - Symbolizes the desktop's path.
- !here - Symbolizes the path of the Windows Explorer window you are currently browsing.
- !selected - Symbolizes the list of currently selected files on the Windows Explorer window you are currently browsing.
File names are comma separated. This command won't work for selected files on the desktop.
- !this - Symbolizes currently selected text.
- !topapp - Symbolizes the top application's process name.
- !url - Symbolizes the URL of the webpage you are currently browsing.